NewsPress Releases10/02/2024Scientists from across Europe measure the impact of cosmic radiation on human health and the ozone layer at Milešovka mountain2.10. 2024, Milešovka: The third measurement campaign was launched at…Read more ›
NewsPress Releases10/02/2024Vědci z celé Evropy měří na Milešovce vliv kosmické radiace na lidské zdraví a na ozonovou vrstvu2.10. 2024, Milešovka: Na observatoři na vrchu Milešovka u Lovosic…Read more ›
News09/20/2024ADVACAM placed among Europe’s best ScaleupsWe are thrilled to be featured in the Leading European…Read more ›
NewsPodcast09/05/2024UNSEEN TALKS: A technology podcast with a bite of ADVACAM insideADVACAM is launching a new podcast! Every episode is going…Read more ›
Press Releases08/19/2024It can monitor the effect of radioactive drugs. The Czech robot will help patients with thyroid cancerThe newly developed robotic device could help to more accurately…Read more ›
Press Releases08/12/2024Umí monitorovat účinek radioaktivních léčiv. Český robot pomůže pacientům s rakovinou štítné žlázyNově vyvíjené robotické zařízení by mohlo pomoci přesněji mapovat distribuci…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the MediaNews07/23/2024Scientific Reports: ADVACAM detectors show first succes in head tumour irradiation advancementNature Magazine’s Scientific Reports recently published the first success of…Read more ›
Other06/04/2024Tracking particles at Science Festival and educating particle physicsWe may be serious about our business… But we can…Read more ›
News05/16/2024Why to fly a Czech astronaut to the ISS and what can he conduct up there with our MiniPIX SPACE cameras?Planet Earth was hit by a geomagnetic storm of the…Read more ›