
Our subsidiary Radalytica will investigate how our detectors could be used in BreastCancer diagnosis! And also whether data from them could be processed by AI

The SpeciAI project’s main goal is to increase the sensitivity of current mammographic examination of breast cancer surgical resection using advanced X-ray spectral measurement and subsequent data processing by artificial intelligence.

The intention is to study the differences in spectral responses of tissues and their evaluation using artificial intelligence to create an algorithm that could, based on these differences, accurately distinguish between different tissues.

The project’s main result is a computational algorithm that, based on spectral data obtained from detectors, differentiates tumor tissue from healthy tissue and determines its extent without the data being converted into an image format in an intermediate step.

The result of this solution is the determination of the tissue composition of the displayed sample and confirmation that this composition corresponds to the determination of the tissue extent on the absorption image.

This method would improve the accuracy of information about the extent of the finding and make decision-making by radiologists and oncologists much easier.

Project partners include Radalytica a.s., ADVACAM Cameras, Carebot, and the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Verification on clinical samples will be conducted at the Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze

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