ADVACAM and space research – two things that will go hand in hand in 2022. It is already a second time this winter that our original miniaturized and low power radiation detector
TPX3, with the unique Timepix3 Chip developed at CERN, has been launched into space to collect data and harvest invaluable research outputs. This time as a part of the International Commercial Experiment Cubes project (ICE Cubes), powered by Space Applications Services.

The mission provides access for private companies as well as public organisations to the International Space Station (ISS) on a commercial base, accentuating a private role playing increasingly important role in developing the in-space infrastructure necessary for the future space exploration activities. The scheme encourages the utilisation of AI-ML techniques via the introduction of a dedicated AI-Box to be used as a mini server accessible from Earth in real time. The AI-Box is one of the assets which are meant to support the performance of a wide range of activities on the board of the ISS. This wholesome project has a great potential in fostering partnerships in commercial, industrial, and education sectors.