A miniaturized and low-power radiation camera equipped with particle tracking and imaging detector Timepix3 (256 x 256 square pixels with a pitch of 55 μm). Several sensor materials are provided according to customer preference.

Sensor Material: Si or CdTe
Sensor Thickness: 100 μm, 300 μm and 500 μm for Si; 1 mm CdTe
Sensitive Area: 14 mm x 14 mm
Time Resolution: 1.6 ns
Readout Speed: 2.35 Million hits/s
Frame rate: 16 fps
Number of Pixels: 256 x 256
Pixel Pitch: 55 μm
Energy Resolution: 0.5-1 keV (Si) and 1.1-3.6 (CdTe)
Min Detectable Energy: 3 keV (Si) and 5 keV (CdTe)
Readout Chip: Timepix3
Pixel Mode of Operation: Time-over-Threshold, Time-of -Arrival

Connectivity: µUSB 2.0
Weight: 41 g
Dimensions: 80 mm x 21 mm x 14 mm
Software: Pixet Pro

All major operating systems are supported (MS Windows, Mac OS and LINUX). The PIXET PRO software used for detector operation is provided for free.


Implemented on the International Space Station, NASA Artemis program, the Gateway Lunar Station or numerous satellites, our single particle detectors are revolutionizing space weather monitoring and radiation protection. Advacam's detectors ensure safer and more efficient missions. Because of their compact size and low-power consumption, these detectors excel in particle identification, energy measurement, and even determining the direction from which particles originate.
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Cancer research, bio-mechanics, and drug testing are just a few examples of X-ray imaging contributing to biological and medical research. New photon-counting detectors represent a severe advancement to these applications compared to previously used methods. The energy sensitivity of modern cameras opens better possibilities for identifying individual types of tissue and contrast agents. That has significant consequences in various industries, for example in cancer research, where the tumor tissue can be better distinguished from the healthy one.
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Bringing particle physics to life in the classroom. Advacam’s MiniPIX EDU device and Educational Kit are transforming the way particle physics is taught and demonstrated in educational settings. These innovative tools provide students with hands-on experience in observing and analyzing particle interactions, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging. With the MiniPIX EDU’s user-friendly interface and portable design, teachers can easily incorporate real-world demonstrations into their lessons.
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