With the new year ahead, ADVACAM begins a new cosmic adventure. Space research is becoming an integral part of our business and we are proud to participate in the mission of the VZLUSAT-2 nanosatellite, designed and constructed at the Czech Aerospace Research Centre.

ADVACAM has provided the mission with its state-of-the-art hybrid pixel detector MiniPIX TPX3, containing a CdTe sensor – which is being sent into space for the very first time. The VZLUSAT-2 nanosatellite has been successfully integrated into the deployer and launched as a part of the Transporter 3 mission onboard Falcon 9 launch vehicle. The primary goal of VZLUSAT-2 is to verify technologies for future missions of the upcoming Czech satellite constellation. Among the on-board equipment is also a next generation of instruments which have already been proven on VZLUSAT-1, as well as several gadgets provided by Czech universities and private companies.