Examples of measurements with Timepix detectors utilized by our spin-off company AdvaScope. On the left side: An EBSD diffraction pattern of Nickel. On the right: A diffraction pattern measured for the Si sample aligned to [100] zone axis. Below: An example of an implementation of a Timepix3 detector together with the retraction device that has been installed on a TEM. The external electronics are located and attached to the casing. It is connected via a PCB feedthrough to the vacuum chamber.


Applications: Material Analysis

Our single-photon counting detectors provide a highly sensitive solution for electron microscopy. In addition to its high sensitivity, it can accurately determine each electron’s position, time of impact, and energy. These unique attributes enable generating noiseless and clear images at thousands of frames per second.
With a time resolution in the nanosecond range, the technology can record processes that occur exceptionally quickly within samples. This opens up new opportunities for conducting experiments that were previously unfeasible.

Utilized by our spin-off company AdvaScope, the Timepix3 camera is accommodated in various applications, including 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) in SEM/TEM, micro electron diffraction (µED), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), micro/nano computed tomography (CT) or ptychography.

Examples of measurements with Timepix detectors utilized by our spin-off company AdvaScope. On the left side: An EBSD diffraction pattern of Nickel. On the right: A diffraction pattern measured for the Si sample aligned to [100] zone axis. Below: An example of an implementation of a Timepix3 detector together with the retraction device that has been installed on a TEM. The external electronics are located and attached to the casing. It is connected via a PCB feedthrough to the vacuum chamber.
Examples of measurements with Timepix detectors utilized by our spin-off company AdvaScope. On the left side: An EBSD diffraction pattern of Nickel. On the right: A diffraction pattern measured for the Si sample aligned to [100] zone axis. Below: An example of an implementation of a Timepix3 detector together with the retraction device that has been installed on a TEM. The external electronics are located and attached to the casing. It is connected via a PCB feedthrough to the vacuum chamber.

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