News06/02/2023Discovering Nature’s Beauty: A Stunning Sea Horse Image with Medipix TechnologyFeel free to zoom in to appreciate the incredible details!…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/26/2023Topic: Radiation detectorsStudio CT 24 Guest: Maria Martišíková, German Cancer Research Centre…Read more ›
News05/26/2023Safeguarding Astronauts at the Gateway Lunar Station: Advacam’s Radiation Monitoring Instrument Passes Vibration TestsAdvacam’s radiation monitoring instrument will help to protect the astronauts…Read more ›
News05/25/2023Gratitude and Celebrations: Highlights from Advacam’s 10th Anniversary Single-photon Detection Workshop in PragueA heartfelt thank you to every one of the 100+…Read more ›
News05/20/2023JoeySat Soars to the Skies: Advacam Joins the Journey to Pioneer OneWeb’s Orbital Internet Satellite TechnologyIt was a foggy start; however, it has successfully made…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/19/2023Czech chips fly into space, Elon Musk’s competitors reach for themSeznam Zprávy more ›
News05/19/2023Advacam’s Radiation Monitor on Board: OneWeb’s JoeySat Launches Tomorrow with Ambitious Tech Testing MissionA SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with OneWeb’s experimental next-generation telecommunication…Read more ›
News05/11/2023Unlocking the Unseen: CSO Jan Jakubek’s Riveting Presentation on Single-Photon Counting DetectorsOver 16,000 viewers have already tuned in to watch our…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/05/2023Shadows will reveal not only the defects of the aircraft. Unique Czech inventions are also used by NASAHospodářské noviny more ›