Material decomposition of sample components using multi-energy or multi-threshold X-ray imaging can be performed using the hybrid semiconductor pixel detectors of the Medipix family. The K-edge imaging method gives even more analytic approach to identification of a specific element within the unknown sample matter. It is based on the fact that there is a sudden increase of the X-ray absorption at certain energy (absorption edge), which is characteristic for given element. Such method is being used for the X-MINE project.
The exact implementation of this method depends on the type of sample and number of elements to be identified. Especially for high-Z elements, where also high-Z sensor material is required for efficient detection (e.g. CdTe). K-edge imaging of high-Z elements can be performed very effectively using Medipix3 detector operated in Charge Summing mode.
See our researcher Daniela Doubravova’s full presentation here.

Above image show decomposition to fraction of lead and fraction of light elements of rock samples of general shape. Left image shows lead composition. Image on the right shows composition of light elements. Samples of Zn and Pb ore and waste rock were provided by Lovisagruvan and Hellas Gold mines as part of the X-MINE project.