ADVACAM Non-destructive testing: METAL WELD INSPECTION: A high-resolution image of legendary BAM-5 weld done by WidePIX 1x5 CdTe camera (1280 x 256 pixels, 55µm pixel pitch) compared to images of the same sample taken with other standard and mostly used alternative technologies. The camera was placed just behind the sample and ordinary X-ray tube (160 kVp, 0,4 mm focal spot) in a distance of 50 cm. The exposure time was 50 seconds. These hand-welded 8mm thick steel plates with all types of welding flaws became standard in the field of non-destructive testing of steel welds. The superior quality is obvious.


Applications: NDT, Non-destructive testing

Advanced single-photon detectors enable quick and high-resolution inspection of welded vessels, stainless pipes, and other materials.

Precise welding requires highly sensitive and high-resolution inspection methods. Our detectors exhibit excellent properties in this field. For example, we present small details of the BAM-5 weld sample inspected with our detector with a resolution of 55 microns. The signal-to-noise ratio measured (SNRm) was 148 in the case of an 8.3 mm thick BAM-5 sample. Even thick structures of modern superalloys can be inspected in a fraction of the time required by standard inspection techniques.

The detectors achieve Class B image quality according to standard ISO 17636-2. Therefore, they are a perfect choice for cutting-edge digital radiography NDT systems. The detectors can be either operated in frame mode or time-delayed-integration mode, producing “endless” images as the detector moves along or around the object.

Our cameras can also quickly and accurately evaluate the quality of welded steel pipes, even when made from heavy and highly absorbing materials like stainless steel. Unlike traditional X-ray imagers, Advacam detectors are fully digital with an energy discriminator and counter in each pixel. That allows virtually noiseless counting of all ionizing particles at a much shorter exposure time.

ADVACAM Non-destructive testing: METAL WELD INSPECTION: A high-resolution image of legendary BAM-5 weld done by WidePIX 1x5 CdTe camera (1280 x 256 pixels, 55µm pixel pitch) compared to images of the same sample taken with other standard and mostly used alternative technologies. The camera was placed just behind the sample and ordinary X-ray tube (160 kVp, 0,4 mm focal spot) in a distance of 50 cm. The exposure time was 50 seconds. These hand-welded 8mm thick steel plates with all types of welding flaws became standard in the field of non-destructive testing of steel welds. The superior quality is obvious.
ADVACAM Non-destructive testing: METAL WELD INSPECTION: A high-resolution image of legendary BAM-5 weld done by WidePIX 1×5 CdTe camera (1280 x 256 pixels, 55µm pixel pitch) compared to images of the same sample taken with other standard and mostly used alternative technologies. The camera was placed just behind the sample and ordinary X-ray tube (160 kVp, 0,4 mm focal spot) in a distance of 50 cm. The exposure time was 50 seconds. These hand-welded 8mm thick steel plates with all types of welding flaws became standard in the field of non-destructive testing of steel welds. The superior quality is obvious.
ADVACAM: A radiographic image of the welded pipe: The welding misalignment and the three bubbles are clearly visible. The AdvaPIX CdTe camera took the image. The material thickness can be measured with minimal precision of 20 µm (rms) in the center of the pipe and 50 µm (rms) near its periphery. The bubbles with a diameter of about 100 µm can be identified with high confidence and other structural features such as cracks or cavities.
ADVACAM: A radiographic image of the welded pipe: The welding misalignment and the three bubbles are clearly visible. The AdvaPIX CdTe camera took the image. The material thickness can be measured with minimal precision of 20 µm (rms) in the center of the pipe and 50 µm (rms) near its periphery. The bubbles with a diameter of about 100 µm can be identified with high confidence and other structural features such as cracks or cavities.

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