ADVACAM in the MediaNews07/23/2024Scientific Reports: ADVACAM detectors show first succes in head tumour irradiation advancementNature Magazine’s Scientific Reports recently published the first success of…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the MediaNews01/04/2024A story of a “Space luck” in the Czech Space News PodcastThanks to Jan Spratek and his Czech Space News podcast…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the MediaNews11/03/2023Lost or stolen radioactive source? No worries!We’ve developed an autonomous drone that can locate it swiftly.…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media07/27/2023For a journey to space, we have the person and the payload. The only thing missing is money, says Czech astronautCzechCrunch more ›
ADVACAM in the Media07/10/2023RaDron: An aerial searchlight in a radioactive haystackEPOCHA: TOP 100 Most Modern Technologies RaDron: Aerial Detector in…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media07/08/2023Interview with Jan Sohar and Jan Jakůbek about possible cooperation between ADVACAM and astronaut Aleš SvobodaCzech Television, Studio CT 24 The interview starts at 17:40…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media07/04/2023Czech astronaut Ales Svoboda could conduct experiments with Czech detectors on the ISSCzech Television, Events (Události) Czech astronaut Ales Svoboda could conduct…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media07/03/2023If we don’t see it, no one will. Both NASA and Boeing are interested in top Czech detectors.Týdeník Hrot If we don’t see it, no one will.…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media06/19/2023How to become a NASA partner? It’s all down to our science team, says Jan Sohar of Almost one hour interview with Jan Sohar about ADVACAMRead more ›
ADVACAM in the Media06/06/2023Two Robots with detectors inspect an aircraftLK Letectví + kosmonautika Download the article in PDF (for…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/26/2023Topic: Radiation detectorsStudio CT 24 Guest: Maria Martišíková, German Cancer Research Centre…Read more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/19/2023Czech chips fly into space, Elon Musk’s competitors reach for themSeznam Zprávy more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/05/2023Shadows will reveal not only the defects of the aircraft. Unique Czech inventions are also used by NASAHospodářské noviny more ›
ADVACAM in the Media05/04/2023Czech Television: Conquest of Space 2023Czech Television, series: Bilance more ›
ADVACAM in the Media04/23/2023The Czechs have dominated the world in aviation. We are no longer Europe’s assembly plant, boast manufacturersPrima CNN News more ›
ADVACAM in the Media04/22/2023Dr. Jan Jakůbek (Advacam): Imaging the Invisible…Fyzikální čtvrtky ČVUTRead more ›
ADVACAM in the Media03/23/2023Chasing radiation in the Australian desert: Advacam technology could help21. Století more ›
ADVACAM in the Media03/17/2023Czech chips will fly to the moon. Prague-based Advacam manufactures them in the premises of NokiaE15 more ›
ADVACAM in the Media03/02/2023Anniversary of Vladimir Remek’s flight and the Czech present in spaceCzech Television, Události more ›