WidePIX L 2(1)x10

A large Industrial Spectral Scanner Camera that can illustrate multichannel “color” radiographs. It suits CT scanners and supports a hardware-based Time-Delayed-Integration (TDI) mode for online (continuous) scanning applications. The camera’s resolution is 512 (256) x 2560 pixels, composed of a Medipix3 hybrid detector with a silicon or CdTe sensor.

Sensor Material: Si or CdTe
Si or CdTe 300 μm for Si; 1 mm for CdTe
Sensitive Area: 28 (14) x 140.8 mm
Number of Pixels: 512 (256) x 2560
Pixel Pitch: 55 μm
Resolution: 9 lp/mm
Readout Speed: up to 170 (1x10 tiles), up to 80 (2x10 tiles) frames/s
Time-Delayed-Integration Yes, hardware based (1x10 tiles), 1.5 m/s
Thresholds per pixel 1 or 2
Threshold Step Resolution: 0.1 keV
Energy Resolution: 0.7-2.0 keV (Si) and 1.2-3.6 (CdTe)
Min Detectable Energy: 4 keV (Si) and 5 keV (CdTe)
Readout Chip: Medipix3
Pixel Mode of Operation: Counting in Single Pixel Mode (SPM) or Charge Summing Mode (CSM)
Counter depth 12 or 24 bits (configurable)

Connectivity: 2x Ethernet RJ-45
Weight: 3000 g
Dimensions: 210 mm x 190 mm x 42 mm (L x W x H)
Software: Pixet Pro

The camera is connected to a computer via an ethernet cable. All major operating systems are supported (MS Windows, Mac OS and LINUX). The PIXET PRO software used for detector operation is provided for free.

Non-destructive testing

Experience the power of our advanced cameras, delivering unmatched sensitivity, spatial resolution, and contrast. Our single-photon-counting cameras quickly uncover hidden details in various materials, from light composites to thick welded parts. The technology surpresses scattered radiation, capturing high quality images in record time. The capabilities of our photon-counting X-ray imaging unveil internal material structures and spot defects like porosity, fiber orientation, micro-cracks, and delaminations with unparalleled precision. Elevate your NDT with our industry-leading solutions, setting new standards in defect detection.
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Material Analysis

Do you need to determine the material composition of your sample? Minerals, alloys, polymers, electronics, batteries, or pigments? Our cameras are based on cutting-edge single X-ray photon counting sensors, and each detected photon is processed individually. This approach also allows measuring the wavelength of photons. It brings unprecedented image quality and new possibilities, such as material-sensitive X-ray imaging. Moreover, our detectors enable fast and compact X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Crystallography solutions. XRD sample analysis is performed up to an order of magnitude faster than conventional systems. Spectral sensitivity provides a unique ability to inspect the sample surface and its interior (Energy dispersive XRD).
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Cancer research, bio-mechanics, and drug testing are just a few examples of X-ray imaging contributing to biological and medical research. New photon-counting detectors represent a severe advancement to these applications compared to previously used methods. The energy sensitivity of modern cameras opens better possibilities for identifying individual types of tissue and contrast agents. That has significant consequences in various industries, for example in cancer research, where the tumor tissue can be better distinguished from the healthy one.
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