
Advancing Photon-Counting Technology: Insights from the ‘Imaging the Unseen’ Workshop in Prague

Two months ago, we gathered in Prague for the ‘Imaging the Unseen’ Workshop – a milestone event that also marked ADVACAM’s 10th anniversary!

Now you can dive deeper into the insights with the downloadable presentations:

Or relive the story of photon-counting technology applications with a short video bellow.


A massive thank you to everyone who joined us! We want to extend a special thanks to our esteemed keynote speakers who agreed to publish their presentations:

Erik H.M. Heijne, CERN
Michael Campbell, CERN
Stanislav Pospíšil, IEAP CTU in Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague
Alan Owens, European Space Agency – ESA
Nicholas Stoffle, NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Maria Martisikova, DKFZ German Cancer Research Center
Andrzej Czechowski, Comex Group
Josef Uher, Radalytica a.s.
Benedikt Bergmann, IEAP CTU in Prague Czech Technical University in Prague
Daniel Parcerisas, CERN

Thanks to CERN Innovation Partnerships for supporting us.

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