Pixet Pro 1.8.1 (Build_6030d9b0) 14.11.2023 ----------------------------- [minipix tpx2] - new thl calibration introduced [minipix tpx2] - modes stabilised [quad ] - chip layout saving bug fixed [quad ] - dummy device added [quad] - two polarity support [quad] - config file support added [quad] - data energy calibration support [hvsrc] - fix various gui bugs [widepix] - pixet adjustmens for thl and thh [widepix] - bias for slave removed Pixet Pro 1.8.0 (Build b697c160) 14.02.2023 ----------------------------- [pixet] - qt6 based [minipix] - tpx2 - calibration problems fixed [minipix] - edu - bad pixels interpolation added [advapix] - config saving to device [advapix] - refresh device problem fixed [widepix] - broadcast to all connected network added' Pixet Pro 1.7.9 (Build 959) 24.11.2022 ----------------------------- [minipix] - minipix stack trigger bug fixed [minipix] - tpx2 initialization bug fixed [minipix] - tpx2problem with Toa and Tot clocks values derivation fixed [minipix] - tpx2 api function added [minipix] - temperature monitoring stability improvement [clustering] - adding parameters limiting cluster size min and max [spellman] - adding support for spellman x-tube [widepixl] - 2x5 imagining bugs fixed [widepixl] - reconnect segmentation fault fixed [quad] - temperature monitoring added [spectraimg] - tpx2 support added [edupix] - python scripting added [widepix] - 2x5 tpx support added Pixet Pro 1.7.8 (936) 1.2.2022 ----------------------------- - [zest] - 2x5 support added - [minipixtpx2] - tpx2 support added - [minipixtpx3] - temperature monitoring improved - [minipixtpx3] - voltage monitoring added - [minipixtpx3] - hw data consystency check - [devcontrol] - adaptive flat field control added to filters - [pxcode] - test pulses memory leak fix - [pxcode] - minipix device initialization procedure stability improved - [pxcode] - widepix device initialization procedure stability improved Pixet Pro 1.7.5 (915) 30.09.2020 ----------------------------- - [zest] - added delay after power up for more stable chip initialization - [widepix] - added support for new CPU firmware on WidePIX TPX LAD and ROWs - chip power control - [zem] - finished support for AdvaQUAD TPX3 - [frameviewer] - fixed visualization of special t3pa files with dummy pixels with zero tot - [minipix] - added support for special MiniPIX firmware (MIRAM) - [devcontrol] - fixed disabling of 24bit mode checkbox in WidePIX MPX3, when changing triggering - [measutils] - TriggerMeas - added disabling of trigger on after SW triggering finished - [clustering] - small fixes in loading and saving cluster log files - [eduview] - fixed freezing for fast acquisition. Added same processing as measurement for loaded files. - [hvsrc] - fixed support for newer bias source on Linux Pixet Pro 1.7.4 (907) 28.08.2020 ----------------------------- - [zem] - added first support for AdvaPIX TPX3 Quad - [minipixtpx3] - added option to send dummy pixels - for low flux online processing - [minipixtpx3] - added data block size parameter - [zem] - WidePIX MPX3 Fast - added trigger support and newest firmware - [clustering module] - added acq started and acq finished events. - [mpxframepanel] - fixed wrong saving of raw ASCII images - [pixetedu] - renamed to Pixet Basic and other gui improvements and fixes - [tpx2] - fix for invalid chip id when not burned - was not possible to load configuration from XML - [tpx2] - fixed setting and reading mask and thl matrix via python scripting - [imfilters] - added Adaptive flat-field filter - [pxcapi] - added device serial and pixet version functions Pixet Pro 1.7.3 (880) 8.07.2020 ----------------------------- - [spectraimg] - rewritten, splitted to module and gui. - [spectraimg] - added saving / loading of measurement. Added Selection of image region or plot region - [mpx3] - fixed gain meta data in saved files - [pyftdi] - added posibility to control multiple devices - [pxcapi] - fixed potential crash when invalid arguments in functions settings threshold - [zest] - added support for bias module - [minipix] - TPX3 - optimization of data driven measurement - [pxproc] - added spectra imaging module for SW integration - [pxproc] - added clustering module for SW integration - [widepix] - MPX3 - added support - [clustering] - updated calculation of roundness to latest equation - [eduview] - added new plugin for EDU - [devcontrol] - small updated of look of main window - [minipix] - edu - added watermark in counting mode - [pygui] - possible to load UI from string with xml ui definition - [pyscripting] - possible to run script from menu (Run script). - [pyscripting] - possible to run zipped scripts (*.zpy, *.zip) - [devcontrol] - fixed open save dialogs to open files with filters with different extensions - [pxcore] - fixed logging to folders with UTF-8 characteres - [devcontrol] - fixed inputing of file paths in main window with UTF-8 characters - [pypdf] - added module to create pdf files from python scripting - [devcontrol] - added optional interpolation of masked pixels - [minipix] - TPX3 - added sensing of temperature during measuremnt in CPU for overhead protection - fixed not showing data sometimes in main window Pixet Pro 1.7.2 (857) 28.04.2020 ----------------------------- - [pxcore] - possible to set the Timepix3 joined Threshold coefficients from ini file (Tp3CoarseCoeff) - [minipixtpx3] - fixed wrong acquisition time reported in dsc file sometimes - [minipixtpx3] - fixed aborting of long acquisition when buffer error occured - [minipix] - fixed software trigger for acq times < 0.1 - [spectraimaging] - possible to replay file and calibrate it - [clustering] - added mask matrix and support for MiniPixTpx3 raw files (t3r) - [tpx3data] - added support for MiniPix TPX3 raw data files (t3r) - [zem] - added option to disable not USB 3.0 device message box (ShowMessage) - [gui] - fixed high DPI resolution, option to disable in ini file (HighDPI) - [pxcapi] - added bad pixels and masked pixels function. Added interpolating of bad pixels - [pxcapi] - fixed reading of two counters in Medipix3 detectors (pxcMeasureSingleFrame and pxcGetFrameMpx3 functions) - [python3] - added support for older linux systems - [devcontrol] - fixed replaying of files (dropping files on main window) in Timepix3 device. When pixel mode selected, frames were not refreshed - [pygui] - possible to create basic window form python script without ui file Pixet Pro 1.7.1 (838) 27.02.2020 ----------------------------- - [devcontrol] - Added Min-Max Non Zero Margin auto range - min value 20 % smalleer. For ToA visualization - [devcontrol] - fixed calculatioin on minNonZero in mpx frame panel - [ccrates] - added Cluster Count plugin - [zem] - preliminary widepix mpx3 fast suppoort - [minipix] - added suport for triggers, two device sync measurement - [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - fix for corrupted data (stripes) that occured sometimes - [widepix] - removed wrong temperature sensing for new devices - [zem] - Added support for saving/loading of factory configuration in AdvaPIX TPX3 devices - [measutils] - Added support for AdvaPIX TPX3 and MiniPIX TPX3 devices in Trigger Measurement window. Pixet Pro 1.7.0 (812) 02.01.2020 ----------------------------- - Python Scripting switched to Python 3 - compiled with Qt 5.12.6 - compiled with Visual Studio 2017 on windows - [pxcore] - added dataFormatUID function - [pxcore] - added support for multiple Timepix3 chips in core - [devcontrol] - disabled option to select triggers for device that do not support them - [zem] - firmwares loaded from the application directory of Pixet instead of working directory - [zest] - firmwares loaded from the application directory of Pixet instead of working directory Pixet Pro 1.6.6 (799) 29.11.2019 ----------------------------- [zest] - added support for WidePIX 1x5 Ethernet [zem] - fixed possible crash for old version of AdvaDAQ TPX3 when triggering enabled [pyutils] - added function pixelsToClustersWithParams - to analyze clusters from Timepix3 pixels [pxcapi] - fixed propagating of acquisition aborted error code in acquisition functions [pxcapi] - fixed Timepix3 example projects measurementCallbasck(acqIndex) changed to acqCount [pythonscripting] - added instalation of module from menu [python] - updated some example scripts [hwlibs] - hwlibraries can specify their chips layout [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - fixed deasserting of enable in when acquisition fails This is the last release of Pixet with Python 2 support in Python scripting. Next releases will be Python 3 compatible. Pixet Pro 1.6.5 (777) 29.9.2019 ----------------------------- [pxcore] - more precision when saving acq time in dsc file [pxcore] - added support for loading configuration from the device [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - fixed no data coming for low flux radiation sources in data driven mode [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - fixed dummy frame acquisition for negative sensors before acquisition [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - added support for hw trigger [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - added support for in device factory configuration [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - added overheat check support and motohours support [minipix] - MiniPIX TPX3 - fixed longer acquisition times (over 51 s) [medipix3] - fixed testing for unsupported mode (CSM+SHGM+Si detector) [zem] - fixed default chan mask (5 channels only) for AdvaPIX TPX3 Flex [pyhid] - added python module for working with HID devices (e.g. yepkit) [zest] - added hwlibrary and support for Zest WidepiX ethernet devices [devcontrol] - fixed crash with motors [devcontrol] - fixed tab order in main window panels and dialogs [logmgr] - logs viewer - added sorting by name and directory [zem] - fixed crash when no chip connected (AdvaPIX TPX3) Pixet Pro 1.6.4 (765) 29.8.2019 ----------------------------- [core] - added support for software triggering [core] - Timepix3 - fixed only ToT mode - frames were incorectly assembled [core] - Timepix3 - fixed loading of old config files with only single Threshold Dac (the ThlCoarse and ThlFine were not updated) [zest] - basic support [zem] - fixed crash for AdvaPIX TPX3 negative sensors on startup [zem] - added new firmware or AdvaPIX TPX3 devices [zem] - improved stability of startup of the AdvaPIX TPX3 devices [minipix] - fixed long acquisition times for MiniPIX 2.0 (for longer than 44 s acq times, acq was failing) [equalization] - Timepix3 - verification sets correctly Event+iToT mode [pydevcontrol] - added functions to control repeat file parameters, output flags, refresh parameters. Added function to get acquisition result [devcontrol] - added serial number of device in window title [zem] - added chan mask and readout frequency for AdvaPIX TPX3 as information in readout parameters [minipix] - added chan mask and readout frequency for MiniPIX TPX3 as information in readout parameters [minipix] - fixed startup of the MiniPIX TPX3 after pixet was closed and reopened (clearing communication buffers) [measutils] - added window for Software Triggering [pxcapi] - added software triggering functions Pixet Pro 1.6.3 (757) 19.8.2019 ----------------------------- [minipix] - fixed acquisition time limit [neutronimg] - added neutron imaging plugin [pxcapi] - fixed wrong order of fields in Timepix3 pixel structure [pxcapi] - added pxcGetDeviceDimensions and pxcGetMetaDataValue [pxcore] - fixed doSimpleTestPulseAcquisition for Timepix3 [pxcore] - check for TH0 < TH1 moved to pxcore, and applied only in appropriete mode [pxcore] - fixed delay after measurement [pyscripting] - fixed Timepix3 DAC constants [pyscripting] - fixed gui in dark mode [pyscripting] - added examples for Timepix3 [devcontrol] - mpx3 - blocked settings that do not make sense [devcontrol] - fixed visulization of device paramters (u64 and i64 values) [zem] - support for new AdvaPIX TPX3 adapter board and flex variants [widepix] - support for WidePIX MPX3 2x5 Pixet Pro 1.6.2 (743) 27.6.2019 ----------------------------- [devcontrol] - fixed possible crash on quiting application [zem] - fixed crash when saving amf file and the file cannot be saved [pxcapi] - added function pxcSetPixelMaskMatrix [devcontrol] - fixed showing sub frames when editing pixel configuration - last shown sub frame shown [devcontrol] - removed test pulses for devices that does not support them [devcontrol] - coordinates set to -,- when mouse leaves frame [core] - enforeced for Medipix3 that THL1 > THL0 [equzalition] - mpx3 - removed unused modes [core] - discCsmSpm - inverted for non equalization modes [core] - fixed log reporting size on windows (%zu) [devcontrol] - reorganized Medipix3 advanced settings [core] - added option to save a frame to cluster or pixel log file directly [widepix] - mpx3 - fixed reported acquisition time in normal and crw modes [widepix] - mpx3 - fixed setting of debug log [devcontrol] - software triggers hidden in gui [devcontrol] - hidden device incompatible measurements in measutils [minipix] - fixed acq time limit and wrong toa time calculation in MiniPixTpx3 [sdk] - added Function PXCAPI int pxcSetPixelMaskMatrix(unsigned deviceIndex, unsigned char* maskMatrix, unsigned size); Pixet Pro 1.6.1 (741) 20.5.2019 ----------------------------- [core] - fixed problem with polarity bit setting for Timepix2 [core] - Timepix2 - added dac out codes [core] - Timepix2 - fixed TOA overflow polarity [core] - saving subfframes changes - only subframe saved without the main file, option to save to single file (one after each other). Added subframes to png and tiff images. [core] - fixed correct saving of sensor thickness in config file (xml) [core] - fixed setting of configuration via pixCfgMode and dacsMode functions (were changing current detector settings when not selected) [zem] - fix for possible data corruption in AdvaPIX TPX3 for high intensities [zem] - Timepix2 - fixes settings of ToT clock [minipix] - added temperature for MiniPIX TPX3 [widepix] - fixed crash initializing device with no chips [fitpix] - fixed possible crash in debug mode [devcontrol] - fixed crash for smart range for certain images [clustering] - fixed support for Timepix2 sub frame - tot correctly analyzed now [pyftdi] - fixed loading of library, added setSyncMode, isConnected and clearBuffers functions Pixet Pro 1.6.0 (736) 16.4.2019 ----------------------------- [core] - added support for Timepix2 chip [zem] - added support for AdvaDAQ Timepix2 [zem] - added support for AdvaDAQ Medipix3 [minipix] - added support for MiniPIX TPX3 [core] - Timepix3 - ThlCoarse and ThlFine accesible directly in DACs [core] - changed saving of sub frames - now in single file, one after each other, with frame name set [core] - fixed spacing for medipix3 in test pulses [core] - added TDI support in pxcapi [devcontrol] - fixed crash on loading certain pmf files [devcontrol] - fixed loading of frames from file with names (shows as tab) [devcontrol] - saving data - added dialog with a choise [devcontrol] - fixed resizing of selected region when resizing the window [frameviewer] - fixed showing of ToA in tpx3 streams [geigerview] - added GeigerView (soundpix) plugin [clustering] - added option to set cluster log outputs via python [clustering] - added XRF and Compton correction (experimental) [spectraimaging] - added XRF correction [spectraimaging] - calibrating data on replay [hwlibs] - fixed supported features - bias refresh was reported falsly in some hw libraries [zem] - added support for WidePIX 2x5 Medipix3 [zem] - AvaPix Quad - fixes for better stability [equalization] - added saving of distributions from python [pygui] - added set window position and size [widepix] - fixed sensing of bias in WidePIX 1(2)x5 Pixet Pro 1.5.2 (723) 1.2.2019 ----------------------------- [widepix] - medipix3 row - possible to set bias source discarge by readout parameter [widepix] - medipix3 row - added trigger in tdi mode to trigger whole acq series [widepix] - medipix3 lad - added trigger support [widepix] - medipix3 row - fixed reading of bias and current sense [minipix] - added bias sense on main window [geigerview] - added geiger view plugin [equalization] - timepix3 equaliztion - removed tab with thl and toa calib [hwlibs] - fixed log synchronization Pixet Pro 1.5.1 (718) 21.12.2018 ----------------------------- - [gui] - fixed crash in range in qmpxframepanel - [gui] - fixes in qwplot - [widepix] - added Medipix3 LAD device - [core] - fixed refreshing of acq meta data in timepix3 pixels on repeat - [pixelmanintf] - removed mfc dependency - moved to mfcloop.dll - [core] - fixed copying of dacs in MpxDacs objects - [zem] - fixed bias parameters - invalid bias type - [core] - fixed regression - was not possible to set 0 time in data driven mode for Timepix3 - [pygui] - added window title function - [widepix] - fixed regresssion - refreshing of cpu values in readout parameters Pixet Pro 1.5.0 (714) 2.10.2018 ----------------------------- - [pxcore] - added support for Medipix3 row detectors, improved support for Medipix3 in general - [pxcore] - fixed acq tiem in integral frames in subframes - [pxcore] - added support for app data folder on linux - [pxcore] - added copying of factory files into app data folder and licence files - [pxcapi] - added beam hardening in the API - [zem] - added support for AdvaDAQ 2 - [zem] - fixed synchronization problem for Timepix3 reading temperature - [zem] - added trigger out for advaquad - [zem] - fixed advadaq 100 V wrong coefficients - [clustering] - fixed refreshing of plots when measurement not running, added click on frame to show pixel spectrum - [clustering] - improved saving of per pixel spectra with decimal step - [spectraimging] - improved saving of spectra with decimal step - [devcontrol] - added log manager - [minipix] - fixed possible abort problem and deadlock - [minipix] - fixed possible crash on disconnect - [minipix] - added support for Minipix 80 V - [minipix] - added reading of temperature after acquisition - [devcontrol] - fixes for dark themes - [devcontrol] - fixed gui artefacts when reconnectin detector - [pythonscripting] - fixes for dark themes - [pythonscripting] - added possible support for python3 - [pythonscripting] - possible to use instance methods as callbacks - [pythonscripting] - added zoomrect and selction rects in qmpxframe and qmpxframepanel - [imgfilters] - fixed loading/saving of bh filter - [thlscan] - gui fixes - [cub] - fixed running it on linux - [hwlibs] - added log rotate to hwlibs Pixet Pro 1.4.10 (704) 18.6.2018 ----------------------------- - [zem] - fixed ADC reading in zem tpx3 - [equalization] - fixed equalization for Timepix3 - verify - [core] - fixed location of hwlibs config files (in user app data) - [euqalization] - fixed bias and equalization for Medipix3 - [widepix] - fixed 24 bit for Medipix3 - [zem] - fixed test pulses for Timepix3 - [zem] - added phase shift parameter in config file - [equalization] - mpx3 - added checkbox to scan fine tuning loops with spacing - [cub] - added hv source - [python] - fixed createDoubleParam in python - [core] - added command line arguments - [equalization] - mpx2 fixed verify - [core] - fixed licmgr on ARM - [core] - added chras dumps for windows and crash trace on linux - [zem] - added ADC Channels in AdvaPIX TPX3 - [core/hwlibs] - added log rotate - [hwlibs] - removed dependency on FTD2XX.dll when not using FTDI devices - [zem] - fixed shift in AMF file - [hwlibs] - fixed overflow of bias code - for 0 bias maximal set - [devcontrol] - fixed layout of windows for Linux and Windows increased resolution Pixet Pro 1.4.9 (679) 26.2.2018 ----------------------------- - [python] - fixed settings of mask, testbit, thl and thh matrixes in python interface - [devcontrol] - added reset all bits for Timepix3 - [python] - added getting IData subclass in python - [configmgr] - added automatic downloading of detector configuration if available Pixet Pro 1.4.8 (676) 20.2.2018 ----------------------------- - [clustering] - fixed crash when calibration selected but no calibration loaded - [core] - fixed calibration for multiple chips - [gui] - fixed start stop buttons on linux - [core] - support for Fitpix Lite - [core] - support for bias refresh in hwlibs - [core] - Medipix3 row support - [core] - support for AdvaPIX Quad - [core] - added posibility to save configs to hdf5 files - [devcontrol] - saving of config - dialog prefills config name - [framesbrowser] - added browser for frames - [pyscripting] - added description of functions via help func - [pyscripting] - added support for python plugins - [pyscripting] - fix for linux - loading of python27.so - [pygui] - added progress bar, tool button - [minipix] - missing cmd termination error fix - [hwlibs] - widepix1x7 support - [pyscriptong] - HDF5 module for python - [pxcapi] - continuous measurement - [pxcapi] - fixed threshold - [measutils] - Added spectral imaging for Timepix3 - [clustering] - one plugin for both Timepix and Timepix3 - [zem] - fixed clock for AdvaPIX Quad - [zem] - added support for new AdvaPIX TPX3 - [zem] - fixed memory buffer limit 2GB for AdvaPIX TPX3 - [equalization] - added target in Timepix3 equalization - [dacscan] - added positbility to scan dac with other dacs in current values - [hdf5io] - added support for sub frames - [cub] - added cub xray controller - other bug fixes and small improvements Pixet Pro 1.4.7 (571) 11.11.2016 ----------------------------- - [drivers] - added D2XX Helper for Mac OS X - [pixet] - data driven mode as acquisition type - [fitpix] - fixed compression data measurement with ModuPIX - [devcontrol] - test pulse option shown only for devices that support them - [pixet] - added common frame panel to plugins - [pixet] - fixed test pulses with Tpx3 and Mpx3 - [pixet] - added loading of cluster logs - [devcontrol] - added loading/saving of calibration files - [pixet] - added calibration for timepix3 pixels - [devcontrol] - fixed droping files on file device - [pixet] -added time walk correction - [pixet] - added option to save data in hdf5 files in sub directory - e.g. /home/user/test.h5:subfolder - [pyscripting] - added running of part of the script - [pyscripting] - support of tpx3 pixels and advanced acquisitions and test pulse acqusitions - [pyscripting] - support fo Timepix pixCfg in scripting - [pixet] - improved loading/unloading pxcore - start exit functions - [pixet]- relative paths in pixet.ini to pxcore library - [fitpix] - added check for ftdi devices - [pixet] - added sensing of bias voltage after repeat - [pygui] - added support for plots and mpxframe - [devcontrol] - added chip layouts - [devcontrol] - fixed error message when clicking auto update - [devcontrol] - added saving of current image in curret color map - [devcontrol] - filters not applied on pix cfg frames - [zem] - added check for USB 2.0 connection - [pxcore] - fixed calculation of threshold for different ikrums and positive sensors - [zem] - fixed integral acquisition in burst mode in AdvaPIX - [devcontrol] - fixed creating of repeat files, repeat checkbox - [zem] - fixed digital test for Timepix3 - [pyscripting] - better access to frame data - [zem] - fixed aborting of aqcuisition in frame mode in Tpx3 - [devcontrol] - fixed shit thl over/under for different sub frames - [pixet] - fixed integration frames for Timepix3 - [equalization] - fixed negative sensors equalization for Tpx3 - [devcontrol] - remmebering of tpx3 operation mode when exiting pixet - [pixet] - test pulses in data driven mode in Timepix3 - [equalization] - added equalization in iTot for Timepix3 - [zem] - added support for triggers in AdvaPIX Pixet Pro 1.4.6 (555) 28.7.2016 ----------------------------- - [pixet] - added xraybox plugin - [pixet] - added loading of pixel log files without idx file - [pixet] - added saving of plots in qwplot - [pixet] - added minix support - [pixet] - added an Exit event - [pixet] - added hdf5 file support - [pixet] - added spectra imaging plugin - [pixet] - reorganized timepix3 pixels support - [zem] - added support for usb3 timepix3 - [devcontrol] - changed visualization of timepix3 pixel data (movind window) - [devcontrol] - fixed settings of DAC values during acquisition - [devcontrol] - fixed bias refreshing in panel - [pythonscripting] - pixcfg of device now of proper type for each chip - [tpxsetup/tpxcalib] - fixed searching for peaks - [ff/bhfilter] - added check for max number of pixel to interpolate - [filedev] - suports acquisition - [equalization] - not clearing the distrbibutions when doing threshold adjustment - [widepix] - fixed abort - [fitpix] - alternative triggers Pixet Pro 1.4.5 (545) 23.5.2016 ----------------------------- - [pixet] - added temperature sensing in devices - [pixet] - added timepix3 functions in simple API - [pixet] - added medipix3 functions in simple API - [pixet] - file device library removed, replaced internally - [pixet] - added live preview plugin - [pixet] - fixed calibration that was crashing when too noisy frame - [hwlibs] - added support for bias of type D (in flash) - [widepix] - fixed setting of threshold for multiple segments - [minipix] - timepix workaround - sending now all 0xFF stream - [modupix] - fix of detecting chip number (now forced to 1) - [devcontrol] - added dialog that asks for type of multiframe when saving data - [devcontrol] - device status visible in main window - [poscontroller] - fixed motor parameters (some were not applied) Pixet Pro 1.4.4 (500) 19.2.2016 ----------------------------- - [pixet] - added stack trace in log - [pixet] - fixed test pulse error message - [pixet] - fixed chip type in data files - [pixet] - fixed toa correction in tpx3 - [pixet] - fixed register/unregister event (called when acq running) - [pixet] - fixed max bias error when used in sensor refresh - [pixet] - added pygui - python gui - [pixet] - fixed locking of device during acquisition Pixet Pro 1.4.4 (483) 27.1.2016 ----------------------------- - [pixet] - renamed vendor and other stuff from Widepix to Advacam - [pixet] - added IMultiMpxFrame for faste readouts in usb3.0 - [pixet] - added sensor refresh - [pixet] - better synchronization when acq running - [pixet] - fixed calculating of histogram in MpxFrame, especially when resized - [pixet] - fixed settingsxml - itemexists - [pixet] - added DevHvSrc - [pixet] - added bias voltage and current sense - [pixet] - improved aborting of devices acquisition - [pixet] - switched to Qt 5.5 - [pixet] - added adcChanel function - [pixet] - fixed integration frames for Medipix3 - [pixetlite] - fixed saving of calibrated data - [devcontrol] - added new aspect ratio - [devcontrol] - controls disabled when acq running or device locked - [devcontrol] - renamed Tot, Medipix ,.. modes to Counting, Energy - [devcontrol] - fixed possible crash in between repetition - [devcontrol] - add clear in message window, auto open on error - [devcontrol] - digital test disabled when acq running - [devcontrol] - plugin menu renamed to tools menu - [devcontrol] - digital test not freezing gui when taking longer to perform - [devcontrol] - check for min-max bias in gui - [dacscan] - disabled buttons when scan running - [clustering] - added slider to switch between frames - [pyscripting] - added save as and save before run - [pyscripting] - fixed crash when invalid syntax - [pyscripting] - added tab key shift block - [imgfilters] - fixed tdi mode - [imgfilters] - tdi in bhcalin and ff filter can be switched off/on - [imgfilters] - ff filter possible to use with device with different dimension than data from file - [imgfilters] - saving of filters when changed (BH, FF) - [poscontroller] - fixed wait in moveMotor - [thresholdscan] - fixed progress bar, removed hold lines, added interpolation of bad pixels - [remotecontrol] - added plugin - [configmgr] - added plugin - [zem] - added library and support for usb3 readout Pixet Pro 1.4.3 (369) 26.10.2015 ----------------------------- - [pixet] - new splash screen - [pixet] - renamed info texts from widepix to advacam - [pixet] - added pxapi interface - [pixet] - added thlscan to public release - [core] - added continuous readout mode (TDI) - [core] - possible to save data to pixel log with metadata - [core] - txp3 - fixed integration of frames, fixed tot frames - [core] - txp3 - fixed toa correction - [core] - fixed crash when no calibration loaded - [core] - added support for new calibration (model based) - [core] - fixed positive/negative polarity switch - [core] - added saving of frames to png - [core] - loading of config for multichip device from separate files if general file not found - [core] - fixed crash when loading ascii pix cfg matrix on windows - [fitpix] - added loading of bias coefficients from flash - [fitpix] - added sensing of voltage and current - [fitpix] - tpx3 - added reading of last acq time - [fitpix] - tpx3 - added more triggering options for tpx3 - [core/hwlibs] - added device flash paramters - [poscontroller] - refactored - [poscontroller] - fixed entering of step time (now correctly in ms) - [equalization] - added rollback button, added reset pix cfg option - [imgfilters] - added python interface to ff and bh filters - [imgfilters] - BH and FF - TDI mode - [devcontrol] - fixed refreshing of calibrated threshold when calib params changes - [devcontrol] - remembering of last used values in xray panel - [devcontrol] - fixed undocking of windows (were undocking out of screen) - [devcontrol] - disabling/enabling acq control when acq is runing also from other thread - [devcontrol] - remembering of last visited directory - [devcontrol] - added sensing of bias voltage and current in main window - [devcontrol] - fixed shifting of adj bits for negative polarity - [devcontrol] - fix for saving frames to images - frame dimensions now kept - [devcontrol] - added aspect ration - [devcontrol] - motors - added ESC key to stop all, and arrow keys to move motors - [clustreing] - fixed min-max range - [clustering] - saving of calibrated data in cluster logs - [widepix row] - fixed abort - [pyscripting] - added send abort button - [pyscripting] - added constants to pixet variable - [pyscripting] - added pxutils.py - [pyscripting] - added mpxacqparams and mpxrepeatparams - [pixelmanintf] - fixed compressed data crash - [pixelmanintf] - filled out getcfgs function - [dxs xray] - added min max limits for voltage and current Pixet Pro 1.4.1 (288) 10.8.2015 ----------------------------- - added support for Medipix 3 RX including equalization - added chip overlay with chip IDs - added bad FF coefficients option in FF - added 200V support in LAD library - added aspect ration in main window - added multi select in devices settings - chip settings - added device icons for other device (xray, motors, hvsource) - added temperature for DXS x-ray tube - added saving of scans in DAC scan - added auto recovery in fitpix and minipix hw libraries (even when disconnected) - added multi select files in FF and bh calibration (to sum several frames into one coeffs file) - added Find new devices option - added checking of correct version of firmware in fitpix, minipix and lad libraries - added preshutter delay in all fitpix (altera) firmwares - added support for test pulses - added log raw communication of ftdi in hwlibs - added visulization calibration matrixes in tpxcalib - added tpx clock read-back from hwlib to show only possible tpx clock values - added motor paramters, possible to change them - added switching of chips in DAC scan - improved motors gui - detecting of disconnecting, refresh of motors (find new devices) - fixed bias voltage - now should output correct value - fixed invalid tpx clock in fitpixes (was 2 times lower) - fixed rounding of calibrated threshold - fixed changing dacs during acquisition in LAD - fixed refreshing of stats when selection and integral frames - fixed incorrect values of ADC values reported from fitpixes and modupixes - fixed bug in cluster finder - duplicate pixels - fixed tpxcalib - bug in cluster finder, spectra were distorted - fixed acquisition time in composite.dll - fixed acquisition time reported by fitpix dll - fixed composite for multiple chips - fixed updating of pix cfg when width/height changes - fixed rotating of data in qmpxframe - fixed thl adjustment algorithm in tpxsetup - changed defaults in equalization plugin - saving frames with current selected min-max range to images Pixet Pro 1.3.1 (230) ----------------------------- - fixed saving of pixel log from modupix - fixed aborting in tpxsetup with modupix - fixed resettings of tpxcfg when tpx mode was refreshed in devcontrol - addded reinitialization on startup of widepix devices (fitpix,modupix) if device returned zeros Pixet Pro 1.3 (224) ----------------------------- - just internal build with all the fixes and improvements